About Us
No Cuts x No Glory is a barbershop, salon, and event space located in West Town - the melting pot of Chicago. Like the neighborhood, the shop serves a multitude of purposes. We are excited to use this space to fit the needs of our customers, from traditional local barbershop to blank multi-purpose event space.
No Cuts x No Glory: The Shop offers an array of hair care services for both men and women. We pride ourselves on being a family-like environment where our customers, friends, and family can come in and enjoy the good vibes of feeling like you’re right in your own living room. Our skilled barbers and beauticians offer relaxing shaves, cuts, hairstyling, and everything in between to ensure you’re leaving the shop looking and feeling your very best.
No Cuts x No Glory: The Gallery is what separates our shop from your average barber - we utilize our space to showcase local artists each quarter. When you enter the shop, you can expect to see the walls adorned with artwork for sale and for your viewing pleasure. If you’re interested in being featured at NCNG, contact us here.
No Cuts x No Glory: The Space is a thoughtfully designed blank canvas that allows us to maneuver according to the needs of the customer. If you’re interested in utilizing our space for your special event, contact us here.